09 / November / 2019 13:29

Iran Marks US Embassy Seizure, Pledges to Resist Sanctions

EghtesadOnline: Thousands of Iranians vowed not to succumb to US pressure as they marched across the country on Monday to mark the 40th anniversary of the takeover of the American Embassy in Tehran.

News ID: 748890

Demonstrators in the capital chanted slogans against the US government for its hostile policies toward Iran and denounced Israel and Saudi Arabia for violating the rights of people in regional countries such as Palestine and Yemen, ISNA reported. 

They also staged rallies in front of the building that once hosted American envoys. 

On Nov. 4, 1979, months after the toppling of Iran's American-backed shah, students overran the embassy complex and took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days, Financial Tribune reported.

Popular anger against the US was rooted in the 1953 CIA-engineered coup that overthrew Iran's elected prime minister, Mohammad Mosaddeq, and cemented the monarchy’s power. Following the event, the US broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in 1980 and ties have been frozen ever since.

Regional tensions have escalated since US President Donald Trump last year quit an international nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers and extended sanctions on Iran.

The crowd demanded that no compromise be made with Washington, saying that it is seeking global domination. 

Trump has said he would be open to talks with Iranian officials. But Tehran has refused to talk to the US until it lifts economic sanctions, which American officials have ruled out unless Iran winds down its nuclear program.

Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that talks with the US government will not bear any result, because the Americans are not ready to offer any concessions.

"Those who believe that negotiations with the United States will solve all of our problems are 100% wrong. Nothing will come out of talks with the Americans, because they certainly will not make any concessions," the Leader said.



US Footprint 

In a speech in Tehran on Monday, Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi said the US footprint can be seen in a large number of wars and coups all over the world throughout history. 

He slammed "cruel" US sanctions imposed by the US government on the country but said the Iranian nation will emerge victorious out of this confrontation. 

"The nation, particularly the youth, should gain a deeper insight into past events and take lessons from them. They should take firm steps to confront the enemy, who intends to distort the ground realities," he said. 

Mousavi said the Americans have decided to avoid military action against Iran despite their threats, as they are aware of the country's power, adding that this is why they have resorted to an economic pressure campaign. 

"They should be aware that Iran will firmly continue on its chosen path," he declared. 

In a statement read out at the end of the event in the capital, participants criticized ill-wishers for trying to sow discord among Muslim nations and said the best way out of issues facing the country is to follow the guidelines set by the Leader. 


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